kotlin_labs v0.3

Experimental directives supported by Apollo Kotlin


This specification provides a list of directives supported by the Apollo Kotlin client. This specification is meant to be used as an incubator for new directives that are still being working on. As the directives mature and can be used by other clients/tools they will be moved to a separate feature‐focused specification.


Marks a field or variable definition as optional or required
By default Apollo Kotlin generates all variables of nullable types as optional, in compliance with the GraphQL specification,
but this can be configured with this directive, because if the variable was added in the first place, it's usually to pass a value
Since: 3.0.0
directive @optional(if: Boolean = true) on FIELD | VARIABLE_DEFINITION


Marks a field as non-null. The corresponding Kotlin property will be made non-nullable even if the GraphQL type is nullable.
When used on an object definition in a schema document, `fields` must be non-empty and contain a selection set of fields that should be non-null
When used on a field from an executable document, `fields` must always be empty

Setting the directive at the schema level is usually easier as there is little reason that a field would be non-null in one place
and null in the other
Since: 3.0.0
directive @nonnull(fields: String! = "") on OBJECT | FIELD


Attach extra information to a given type
Since: 3.0.0
directive @typePolicy(
    a selection set containing fields used to compute the cache key of an object. Order is important.
    keyFields: String! = "",
    (experimental) a selection set containing fields that shouldn't create a new cache Record and should be
    embedded in their parent instead. Order is unimportant.
    embeddedFields: String! = "",
    (experimental) a selection set containing fields that should be treated as [Relay Connection](https://relay.dev/graphql/connections.htm) fields.
    Order is unimportant.
    This works in conjunction with `ConnectionMetadataGenerator` and `ConnectionRecordMerger` which must be configured on the `ApolloStore`.
    Since: 3.4.1
    connectionFields: String! = ""


Attach extra information to a given field
Since: 3.3.0
directive @fieldPolicy(
    forField: String!,
    a list of arguments used to compute the cache key of the object this field is pointing to.
    The list is parsed as a selection set: both spaces and comas are valid separators.
    keyArgs: String! = "",
    (experimental) a list of arguments that vary when requesting different pages.
    These arguments are omitted when computing the cache key of this field.
    The list is parsed as a selection set: both spaces and comas are valid separators.
    Since: 3.4.1
    paginationArgs: String! = ""
) repeatable on OBJECT


Indicates that the given field, argument, input field or enum value requires
giving explicit consent before being used.
Since: 3.3.1
directive @requiresOptIn(feature: String!) repeatable


Use the specified name in the generated code instead of the GraphQL name.
Use this for instance when the name would clash with a reserved keyword or field in the generated code.
This directive is experimental.
Since: 3.3.1
directive @targetName(name: String!)
    | ENUM
    | UNION
    | SCALAR


  1. @fieldPolicy
  2. @nonnull
  3. @optional
  4. @requiresOptIn
  5. @targetName
  6. @typePolicy
  1. 1@optional
  2. 2@nonnull
  3. 3@typePolicy
  4. 4@fieldPolicy
  5. 5@requiresOptIn
  6. 6@targetName
  7. §Index