Core Schemas
flexible metadata for GraphQL schemas
Status | Release |
Version | 0.1 |
GraphQL provides directives as a means of attaching user‐defined metadata to a GraphQL document. Directives are highly flexible, and can be used to suggest behavior and define features of a graph which are not otherwise evident in the schema.
Alas, GraphQL does not provide a mechanism to globally identify or version directives. Given a particular directive—e.g. @join
—processors are expected to know how to interpret the directive based only on its name, definition within the document, and additional configuration from outside the document. This means that programs interpreting these directives have two options:
- rely on a hardcoded interpretation for directives with certain signatures, or
- accept additional configuration about how to interpret directives in the schema.
The first solution is fragile, particularly as GraphQL has no built‐in namespacing mechanisms, so the possibility of name collisions always looms.
The second is unfortunate: GraphQL schemas are generally intended to be self‐describing, and requiring additional configuration subtly undermines this guarantee: given just a schema, programs do not necessarily know how to interpret it, and certainly not how to serve it. It also creates the possibility for the schema and configuration to fall out of sync, leading to issues which can manifest late in a deployment pipeline.
Introducing core schemas.
A basic core schema:
@core(feature: "")
@core(feature: "")
query: Query
type Query {
field: Int @example
directive @example on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @core(feature: String!, as: String) repeatable on SCHEMA
Core schemas provide a concise mechanism for schema documents to specify the metadata they provide. Metadata is grouped into features, which typically define directives and associated types (e.g. scalars and inputs which serve as directive inputs). Additionally, core schemas provide:
- Flexible namespacing rules. It is always possible to represent any GraphQL schema within a core schema document. Additionally, documents can choose the names they use for the features they reference, guaranteeing that namespace collisions can always be resolved.
- Versioning. Feature specifications follow semver‐like semantic versioning principles, which helps schema processors determine if they are able to correctly interpret a document’s metadata.
Core schemas are not a new language. All core schema documents are valid GraphQL schema documents. However, this specification introduces new requirements, so not all valid GraphQL schemas are valid core schemas.
The broad intention behind core schemas is to provide a single document which provides all the necessary configuration for programs that process and serve the schema to GraphQL clients, primarily by following directives in order to determine how to resolve queries made against that schema.
1Parts of a Core Schema
When talking about a core schema, we can broadly break it into two pieces:
- an API consisting of schema elements (objects, interfaces, enums, directives, etc.) which SHOULD be served to clients, and
- machinery containing document metadata. This typically consists of directives and associated input types (such as enums and input objects), but may include any schema element. Machinery MUST NOT be served to clients. Specifically, machinery MUST NOT be included in introspection responses or used to validate or execute queries.
This reflects how core schemas are used: a core schema contains a GraphQL interface (the API) along with metadata about how to implement that interface (the machinery). Exposing the machinery to clients is unnecessary, and may in some cases constitute a security issue (for example, the machinery for a public‐facing graph router will likely reference internal services, possibly exposing network internals which should not be visible to the general public).
A key feature of core schemas is that it is always possible to derive a core schema’s API without any knowledge of the features used by the document (with the exception of the core
feature itself). Specifically, named elements are not included in the API schema if they are named something__likeThis
or are a directive named @something
, and something
is the prefix of a feature declared with @core.
A formal description is provided by the IsInAPI algorithm.
- Authors (either human or machine) write an initial core schema as specified in this document, including versioned @core requests for all directives they use
- Machine processors can process core schemas and output new core schemas. The versioning of directives and associated schema elements provided by the @core allows processors to operate on directives they understand and pass through directives they do not.
- Human readers can examine the core schema at various stages of processing. At any stage, they can examine the @core directives and follow URLs to the specification, receiving an explanation of the requirements of the specification and what new directives, types, and other schema objects are available within the document.
- Data cores can then pick up the processed core schema and provide some data‐layer service with it. Typically this means serving the schema’s API as a GraphQL endpoint, using metadata defined by machinery to inform how it processes operations it receives. However, data cores may perform other tasks described in the core schema, such as routing to backend services, caching commonly‐accessed fields and queries, and so on. The term “data core” is intended to capture this multiplicity of possible activities.
3Basic Requirements
Core schemas:
- MUST be valid GraphQL schema documents,
- MUST contain exactly one
, and - MUST use the @core directive on their schema definition to declare any features they reference by using @core to reference a well‐formed feature URL.
The first @core directive on the schema MUST reference the core spec itself, i.e. this document.
@core(feature: "")
@core(feature: "")
query: Query
type Query {
field: Int @example
directive @example on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @core(feature: String!, as: String) repeatable on SCHEMA
3.1Unspecified directives are passed through by default
Existing schemas likely contain definitions for directives which are not versioned, have no specification document, and are intended mainly to be passed through. This is the default behavior for core schema processors:
@core(feature: "")
query: Query
type SomeType {
field: Int @another
# `@another` is unspecified. Core processors will not extract metadata from
# it, but its definition and all usages within the schema will be exposed
# in the API.
directive @another on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @core(feature: String!, as: String) repeatable on SCHEMA
3.2Renaming core itself
It is possible to rename the core feature itself with the same as:
mechanism used for all features:
@coreSchema(feature: "", as: "coreSchema")
@coreSchema(feature: "")
query: Query
type SomeType {
field: Int @example
directive @coreSchema(feature: String!, as: String)
repeatable on SCHEMA
directive @example on FIELD_DEFINITION
4Directive Definitions
All core schemas use the @core directive to declare their use of the core
feature itself as well as any other core features they use.
In order to use these directives in your schema, GraphQL requires you to include their definitions in your schema.
Processors MUST validate that you have defined the directives with the same arguments, locations, and repeatable
flag as given below. Specifically, the bootstrapping algorithm validates that the @core
directive has a definition matching the definition given below. (The bootstrapping algorithm does not require processors to validate other aspects of the directive declaration such as description strings or argument ordering. The main purpose of this validation is to ensure that directive arguments have the type and default values expected by the specification.)
The following declares the directive defined by this specification. You SHOULD define the directives in your core schema by including the following text in your schema document.
directive @core(feature: String!, as: String) repeatable on SCHEMA
When writing a specification for your own core feature, you SHOULD include a section like this one with sample definitions to copy into schemas, and you SHOULD require processors to validate that directive definitions in documents match your sample definitions.
Declare a core feature present in this schema.
directive @core(
feature: String!,
as: String)
repeatable on SCHEMA
Documents MUST include a definition for the @core directive which includes all of the arguments defined above with the same types and default values.
5.1.1feature: String!
A feature URL specifying the directive and associated schema elements. When viewed, the URL SHOULD provide the content of the appropriate version of the specification in some human‐readable form. In short, a human reader should be able to click the link and go to the docs for the version in use. There are specific requirements on the format of the URL, but it is not required that the content be machine‐readable in any particular way.
Feature URLs contain information about the spec’s prefix and version.
Feature URLs serve two main purposes:
- Directing human readers to documentation about the feature
- Providing tools with information about the specs in use, along with enough information to select and invoke an implementation
Feature URLs SHOULD be RFC 3986 URLs. When viewed, the URL SHOULD provide the specification of the selected version of the feature in some human‐readable form; a human reader should be able to click the link and go to the correct version of the docs.
Although they are not prohibited from doing so, it’s assumed that processors will not load the content of feature URLs. Published specifications are not required to be machine‐readable, and this spec places no requirements on the structure or syntax of the content to be found there.
There are, however, requirements on the structure of the URL itself:
The final two segments of the URL’s path MUST contain the feature’s name and a version tag. The content of the URL up to and including the name—but excluding the /
after the name and the version tag—is the feature’s identity. Trailing slashes at the end of the URL (ie, after the version tag) should be ignored. For the above example,
identity: ""
- A global identifier for the feature. Processors can treat this as an opaque string identifying the feature (but not the version of the feature) for purposes of selecting an appropriate implementation. The identity never has a trailing
. name: "exampleFeature"
- The feature’s name, for purposes of prefixing schema elements it defines.
version: "v1.0"
- The tag for the version of the feature used to author the document. Processors MUST select an implementation of the feature which can satisfy the specified version.
The version tag MUST be a valid VersionTag. The name MUST be a valid GraphQL name which does not include the namespace separator ("__"). meaningless URL components
When extracting the URL’s name
and version
, processors MUST ignore any url components which are not assigned a meaning. This spec assigns meaning to the final two segments of the path. Other URL components—particularly query strings and fragments, if present—MUST be ignored for the purposes of extracting the name
and version
. is versioning in the URL, not a directive argument?
The version is in the URL because when a human reader visits the URL, we would like them to be taken to the documentation for the version of the feature used by this document. Many text editors will turn URLs into hyperlinks, and it’s highly desirable that clicking the link takes the user to the correct version of the docs. Putting the version information in a separate argument to the @core directive would prevent this.
5.1.2as: String
Change the names of directives and schema elements from this specification. The specified string MUST be a valid GraphQL name and MUST NOT contain the namespace separator (two underscores, "__") or end with an underscore.
When as:
is provided, processors looking for prefixed schema elements MUST look for elements whose names are the specified name with the prefix replaced with the name provided to the as:
@core(feature: "")
@core(feature: "", as: "eg")
query: Query
type User {
# Specifying `as: "eg"` transforms @example into @eg
name: String @eg(data: ITEM)
# Additional specified schema elements must have their prefixes set
# to the new name.
# The spec at calls this enum
# `example__Data`, but because of the `as:` argument above, processors
# will use this `eg__Data` enum instead.
enum eg__Data {
# Name transformation must also be applied to definitions pulled in from
# specifications.
directive @eg(data: eg__Data) on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @core(feature: String!, as: String) repeatable on SCHEMA
With the exception of a single root directive, core feature specifications MUST prefix all schema elements they introduce. The prefix:
- MUST match the name of the feature as derived from the feature’s specification URL,
- MUST be a valid GraphQL name, and
- MUST NOT contain the core namespace separator, which is two underscores ("__"), and
- MUST NOT end with an underscore (which would create ambiguity between whether "x___y" is prefix
for elementy
or prefixx
for element_y
Prefixed names consist of the name of the feature, followed by two underscores, followed by the name of the element, which can be any valid GraphQL name. For instance, the core
specification (which you are currently reading) introduces an element named @core, and the join
specification introduces an element named @join__field (among others).
.A feature’s root directive is an exception to the prefixing requirements. Feature specifications MAY introduce a single directive which carries only the name of the feature, with no prefix required. For example, the core
specification introduces a @core directive. This directive has the same name as the feature (”core
”), and so requires no prefix.
@core(feature: "")
@core(feature: "") {
query: Query
type User {
name: String @example(data: ITEM)
# An enum used to provide structured data to the example spec.
# It is prefixed with the name of the spec.
enum example__Data {
directive @example(data: example__Data) on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @core(feature: String!, as: String) repeatable on SCHEMA
The prefix MUST NOT be elided within documentation; definitions of schema elements provided within the spec MUST include the feature’s name as a prefix.
6.1Elements which must be prefixed
Feature specs MUST prefix the following schema elements:
- the names of any object types, interfaces, unions, enums, or input object types defined by the feature
- the names of any directives introduced in the spec, with the exception of the root directive, which must have the same name as the feature
@core(feature: "")
@core(feature: "")
@core(feature: "", as: "B") {
query: Query
featureA__SomeType is a type defined by feature A.
type featureA__SomeType {
nativeField is a field defined by featureA on a type also defined
by featureA (namely featureA__SomeType)
nativeField: Int @featureA__fieldDirective
featureA__SomeInput is an input specified by feature A
input featureA__SomeInput {
nativeInputField is defined by featureA
nativeInputField: Int
featureA__Items is specified by feature A
enum featureA__Items { ONE, TWO, THREE @B }
@B is the root directive defined by featureB
Root directives are named after their feature
directive @B on ENUM_VALUE
@featureA__fieldDirective is a non-root (prefixed) directive defined by featureA
directive @featureA__fieldDirective on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @core(feature: String!, as: String) repeatable on SCHEMA
Specs are versioned with a subset of a Semantic Version Number containing only the major and minor parts. Thus, specifications SHOULD provide a version of the form v
Minor, where both integers ≥ 0.
As specified by semver, spec authors SHOULD increment the:
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner
Patch and pre‐release qualifiers are judged to be not particularly meaningful in the context of core features, which are (by definition) interfaces rather than implementations. The patch component of a semver denotes a bug fix which is backwards compatible—that is, a change to the implementation which does not affect the interface. Patch‐level changes in the version of a spec denote wording clarifications which do not require implementation changes. As such, it is not important to track them for the purposes of version resolution.
As with semver, the 0.x
version series is special: there is no expectation of compatibility between versions 0.x
and 0.y
. For example, a processor must not activate implementation 0.4
to satisfy a requested version of 0.2
Given a version requested by a document and an available version of an implementation, the following algorithm will determine if the available version can satisfy the requested version:
7.2Referencing versions and activating implementations
Schema documents MUST reference a feature version which supports all the schema elements and behaviors required by the document. As a practical matter, authors will generally prefer to reference a version they have reason to believe is supported by the most processors; depending on context, this might be an old stable version with a low major version, or a new less‐deprecated version with a large major version.
If a processor chooses to activate support for a feature, the processor MUST activate an implementation which can satisfy the version required by the document.
8Processing Schemas
A common use case is that of a processor which consumes a valid input schema and generates an output schema.
The general guidance for processor behavior is: don’t react to what you don’t understand.
Specifically, processors:
- SHOULD pass through @core directives which reference unknown feature URLs
- SHOULD pass through prefixed directives, types, and other schema elements
- SHOULD pass through directives which are not associated with a @core feature
Processors MAY accept configuration which overrides these default behaviors.
Additionally, processors which prepare the schema for final public consumption MAY choose to eliminate all unknown directives and prefixed types in order to hide schema implementation details within the published schema. This will impair the operation of tooling which relies on these directives—such tools will not be able to run on the output schema, so the benefits and costs of this kind of information hiding should be weighed carefully on a case‐by‐case basis.
9Validations & Algorithms
This section lays out algorithms for processing core schemas.
Algorithms described in this section may produce validation failures if a document does not conform to the requirements core schema document. Validation failures SHOULD halt processing. Some consumers, such as authoring tools, MAY attempt to continue processing in the presence of validation failures, but their behavior in such cases is unspecified.
Determine the name of the core specification within the document.
It is possible to rename the core feature within a document. This process determines the actual name for the core feature if one is present.
- Fails the Has Schema validation if there are no SchemaDefinitions in the document
- Fails the Has Core Feature validation if the
feature itself is not referenced with a @core directive within the document - Fails the Bootstrap Core Feature Listed First validation if the reference to the
feature is not the first @core directive on the document’s SchemaDefinition - Fails the Core Directive Incorrect Definition validation if the @core directive definition does not match the directive as defined by this specification.
For the purposes of this algorithm, a directive’s definition in a schema matches a definition provided in this specification if:
- Its arguments have the specified names, types, and default values (or lack thereof)
- It is defined as
if and only if the specification’s definition defines it asrepeatable
- The set of locations it belongs to is the same set of locations in the specification’s definition.
The following aspects may differ between the definition in the schema and the definition in the specification without preventing the definitions from matching:
- The name of the directive (due to prefixing)
- The order of arguments
- The order of locations
- The directive’s description string
- Argument description strings
- Directives applied to argument definitions
- Let schema be the only SchemaDefinition in document. (Note that legal GraphQL documents must include at most one SchemaDefinition.)
- ...if no SchemaDefinitions are present in document, the Has Schema validation fails.
- For each directive d on schema,
- If d has a
argument which parses as a feature URL, and whose identity is "" and whose version is "v0.1", and either d has anas:
argument whose value is equal to d‘s name or d does not have anas:
argument and d‘s name iscore
:- If any directive on schema listed before d has the same name as d, the Bootstrap Core Feature Listed First validation fails.
- If the definition of the directive d does not match the definition of @core in this specification, the Core Directive Incorrect Definition validation fails.
- Otherwise, Return d‘s name.
- If d has a
- If no matching directive was found, the Has Core Feature validation fails.
9.2Feature Collection
Collect a map of (featureName: String
) → Directive
, where Directive
is a @core Directive which introduces the feature named featureName into the document.
- Fails the Name Uniqueness validation if feature names are not unique within the document.
- Fails Invalid Feature URL validation for any invalid feature URLs.
- Let coreName be the name of the core feature found via Bootstrap(document)
- Let features be a map of featureName:
, initially empty. - For each directive d named coreName on the SchemaDefinition within document,
- Let specifiedFeatureName and version be the result of parsing d‘s
argument according to the specified rules for feature URLs - If the
is not present or fails to parse:- The Invalid Feature URL validation fails for d,
- Let featureName be the d‘s
argument or, if the argument is not present, specifiedFeatureName - If featureName exists within features, the Name Uniqueness validation fails.
- Insert featureName ⇒ d into features
- Let specifiedFeatureName and version be the result of parsing d‘s
- Return features
Prefixes, whether implicit or explicit, must be unique within a document. Valid:
@core(feature: "")
@core(feature: "")
@core(feature: "", as: "B") {
query: Query
It is also valid to reference multiple versions of the same spec under different prefixes:
@core(feature: "")
@core(feature: "") # name is A
@core(feature: "", as: "A2") # name is A2
query: Query
Without the explicit as:
, the above would be invalid:
@core(feature: "")
@core(feature: "") # name is A
@core(feature: "") # name is A
query: Query
Different specs with the same prefix are also invalid:
@core(feature: "")
@core(feature: "") # name is A
@core(feature: "", as: "A") # name is A
query: Query
9.3Assign Features
Create a map of element: Any Named Element → feature: Directive
| null, associating every named schema element within the document with a feature directive, or null if it is not associated with a feature.
- Let features be the result of collecting features via CollectFeatures(document)
- Let assignments be a map of (element: Any Named Element) → feature:
| null, initally empty - For each named schema element e within the document
- Let name be the name of the e
- If e is a Directive and name is a key within features,
- Insert e ⇒ features
into assignments - Continue to next e
- Insert e ⇒ features
- If name begins with "__",
- Insert e ⇒ null into assignments
- Continue to next e
- If name contains the substring "__",
- Partition name into
prefix, base]
at the first "__" (that is, find the shortest prefix and longest base such that name = prefix + "__" + base) - If prefix exists within features, insert e ⇒ features
into assignments- Else, insert e ⇒ null into assignments
- Continue to next e
- Partition name into
- Insert e ⇒ null into assignments
- Return assignments
9.4Is In API?
Determine if any schema element is included in the API described by the core schema. A schema element is any part of a GraphQL document using type system definitions that has a name.
- Let assignments be the result of assigning features to elements via AssignFeatures(document)
- If assignments
is null, Return true - Else, Return false